Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh Monty, why must this end?

Well, the end is very near...and I am starting to become very depressed over it. The BAM retrospective "That's Montgomery Clift, honey!" is ending within a few days and it is, quite honestly, very painful. However --- this retrospective has been fabulous!!!! Once the retro is completed, I may jot down some more thoughts concerning my experiences watching the films with an audience.

Next up: Wild River, Freud and lastly, The Misfits.

If only this retrospective could have lasted a full month......with multiple days devoted to each film....but I am just so grateful that this retro even came to be!


  1. You're lucky!. I'd like to be in New York and to go to the Bam.


  2. Hi! I invite you my special "A place in eternity" for Monty's annivesary.
